Northwestern Ontario is The Next Mining Powerhouse

Thunder Bay is the service and supply hub for Northwestern Ontario, supporting a flourishing regional mining industry comprising 9 active mines and over 18 major exploration projects. This robust sector is supported by a network of more than 400 local mine service and supply companies. Recent discoveries have sparked heightened interest in exploration and mining throughout Northwestern Ontario, leading to intensified activities in gold, palladium, and lithium extraction.

Thunder Bay’s economy is both diverse and modern, anchored by abundant natural resources, innovative SMEs, and state-of-the-art research capabilities. Ongoing research and innovation initiatives are breathing new life into traditional natural resource sectors, contributing to the region’s dynamic economic landscape.

Why Thunder Bay

Local procurement policies and a robust network of Mining Supply and Service companies in Thunder Bay allows companies to reduce wait times and potential delays. Attraction of specialized services to complement existing mine service & supply is a key priority at the Thunder Bay CEDC.

map illustrating thunder bay's proximity to each active mine in northwestern ontario

Get connected with our local service & supply companies

Active Mines
Advanced Mining Projects
0 +
Mine Service & Supply Companies
0 +
GDP to Thunder Bay’s economy
$ 0 M

Connect with our Business Development Team

Lucy Kwiaton

Lucy Kwiaton 
Business Development Manager 
Tel: (807) 633-2566

Mike Barten 
Sr. Business Development Officer 
Tel: (807) 630-4468

Opportunities for Development

Electrical Equipment Supply and Service

Fixed Maintenance

Bulk Handling Equipment


Mobile Mining Equipment

Parts and Components

Mining Service & Supply Spotlight

The Mine Service and Supply Spotlight is focused on sharing your expertise, feedback, and testimonials of your experiences in the Mining and Exploration industry.

If you are a local service or supply company in the mining industry we want to put you in the spotlight.

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